Welcome to Education4Diversity.
We are a highly experienced and award-winning training provider, helping businesses, schools and communities across
the UK to celebrate and embrace diversity.
We believe in the power of diversity
to bring about positive and profound change.
81% of all business founders say diversity enhances creativity and innovation.*
We partner with schools, organisations and businesses, using interactions with refugees and other migrants to demonstrate the strength of diversity and to promote new understandings of our common humanity.
Our workshops involve personal stories, arts, sports and other practical activities, celebrating the diversity within each of us and our communities.
Our partners consistently report Education4Diversity inputs result in increased commitment, job-satisfaction, innovation, productivity and revived hope for a just and sustainable society
Supporting the Ofstead Framework
We aim to help schools to fulfil the requirements of the Ofsted Inspection Framework (September 2019) which asks them to prepare learners for life in modern Britain by, ‘…equipping them to be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society… by ’developing their understanding and appreciation of diversity’ and by celebrating what we have in common and promoting respect...’
67% of all founders say that diversity improves problem solving.**
Our training model aims to demonstrate the value of diversity, sharing and applying inclusive values. Through this we seek to generate and sustain a supportive, motivated and creative workforce. Our workshops provide participants with a broad introduction to building inclusive cultures in the workplace and how this can contribute to a secure, dynamic and cohesive team.
Watch Alex and Jonathan, founders of Education4diversity,
discuss some of their recent projects.
72% of tech founders believe diversity is extremely or very important.***
Find out more about what a greater understanding of diversity can do for your organisation here, meet our team, or find out about our mission to build better communities by building diversity awareness in schools, organisations and businesses.
“We are living in a world that is increasingly diverse and part of helping kids develop and be those successful leaders of tomorrow is helping them learn how to embrace multiculturalism and diversity.”
Our charitable purposes
We exist to advance good citizenship and positive attitudes towards diversity through education. We are especially keen to help young people grow to full maturity and well-being as individuals and members of a just and equitable society by:
offering guidance to education communities in developing humanitarian values across the curriculum
supporting the delivery of workshops that provide accurate knowledge and to inform positive attitudes towards embracing diversity, migration and refugees
providing or assisting in educational services such as training, mentoring and seminars on diversity, migration and refugees, not otherwise provided by the local authority
researching on related subjects and disseminating such useful results